Security is our promise


Security is an Attitude

What are the security risks in industrial communication? We ask ourselves this question at all stages of development. Safe systems and devices require a safe development process. The development engineers of MB connect line are certified accordingly.

For this purpose, we rely on a TÜV expert certification program in the field of secure software development and on expert knowledge in the field of IT security (Teletrust T.P.S.S.E.).


Security by design

Our goal is to make the workflows and use cases in which our products are used as secure as possible and to consider IT security from the beginning of the development process.

In this way, the view on possible attack surfaces determines the work flow of the developers. Another key point is user-friendliness. The goal is to reduce complexity to that the user can not make any mistakes. The entire life cycle is considered. It is also not possible to read out data from a device that is ready for scrapping at the end of its life cycle.


Security as a teamwork

To guarantee the security promise to our customers, MB connect line works with external IT security companies to validate developments. We are actively involved in the industrial security working groups at Teletrust and from this the evaluation method for IEC62443-4-2 was developed, against which we measure and test our product safety.

The experience and the different points of view are essential factors for the safe design of our products – without losing sight of user-friendliness.


Security as a process

We see penetration tests rather as the first step of product maintenance than the last step of product creation. For us, security maintenance actually starts before the product is formally released and continues long after the product is no longer available for purchase.

It is an ongoing process that we maintain as long as the product is supported.


Security as a Whole

In our views, a security incident as the result of a problem in the process of product design, installation, configuration, integration, or usage. As a manufacturer, only the first process is under our control.

All the following others are mostly out of our hands. We do care to deliver secure products and contribute in this way to your Security by Design exercise.


Security certified - IEC 62443-4-1

We are proud to be officially IEC 62443-4-1 certified. This certification highlights our commitment to the highest standards in cyber security and the security of industrial control systems.

With this recognition, we are demonstrating a strong commitment to quality, security and trust in our development processes and products.

Our DNA: 100% IT security for more than 25 years.

Here you can download our IEC 62443-4-1 certification as PDF.


At regular intervals, our products are reviewed by independent IT security companies. Both automated and manual penetration tests are used here. Essentially, the following standards and guidelines are appropriated: 

✓  Guideline Penetration Tests of the Federal Office for Information Security
✓  OWASP Testing Guide Version 4
  OWASP Application Security Verification Standard v.3 – level 2

It is important for us to establish a dialogue between developers and pentesters. That’s why a penetration test always consists of the test itself and an intensive dialogue between Pentester and the developer in the aftermath.
Since then, there have been established certification procedures for IT security products for critical applications (e.g., military, government, etc.). For classical industrial applications there are various certification possibilities, such as the standard IEC62443. In cooperation with TeleTrusT, a test catalog was developed for this, which is used for our products. In addition, the published “state of the art” (“Stand der Technik”) technology from TeleTrusT is an important tool for our product development.


The “State of the Art” (in German „Stand der Technik“) document, from our security partner TeleTrusT, is the cornerstone of our product developments.
We are actively involved in the Industrial-Security working group at Teletrust and from this the evaluation method for IEC62443-4-2 was developed, against which we measure and test our product safety.

In addition to regular independent penetration tests, e.g. by customers or institutes, we regularly submit our products and solutions to penetration tests at certified, external IT service providers (SecuveraNixu,…).


Our Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) monitors how new threats and newly discovered technology vulnerabilities can affect our products. They are ready to respond immediately to security alerts, reports or test reports.

Our Memberships


We are a member of TeleTrusT Bundesverband IT-Sicherheit e.V. and develop our products based on current IT security guidelines. TeleTrusT is a competence network that includes domestic and foreign members from industry, administration and science as well as thematically related partner organizations. Our CEO&CTO represents Teletrust at the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), where he is active in several working groups.


MB connect line is a member of the Alliance for Cyber Security and we actively cooperate with the German Federal Office for Security and Information Technology. This enables our development engineers to counteract security threats as quickly as possible, not only reactively but above all preventively.


Working together to successfully combat cyber attacks in the field of industrial production – that is the goal of CERT@VDE, the IT security platform of VDE.

With the first platform for the coordination of IT security problems, CERT@VDE offers manufacturers, integrators, plant constructors, and operators from the field of industrial automation the opportunity for information exchange and support on the topic of cyber security.

Get our Security Whitepaper

You want to learn more about our Industrial Security Standards? Order our latest Security Whitepaper now.

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Allgemeine Anfrage EN


As an expert for secure remote access, IIoT and industrial security, we are committed to the highest standards in cyber security and the protection of industrial control systems.

With certifications such as IEC 62443-4-1, we are demonstrating a strong commitment to quality, security and trust in our development processes and products.

Our DNA: 100% IT-Security
for more than 25 years.

Red Lion Europe GmbH

Winnettener Str. 6
91550 Dinkelsbühl

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